
  • OniMun posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 3 months ago

    So has anyone here used Tamiya Compound and know what to do with it and how to use it to it’s full potential? (´・Д・)」

    I know that it’s a polishing compound.

    I read somewhere that you apply it to the spot that has been sanded and then afterwards you can use things like Gundam Markers on it.

    Any info is appreciated! (^人^)

    • It is also used to remove seam lines on canopies on aircraft building. There are two compounds, one rough, the other a fine one. Apply the rough one on a clean soft cotton cloth. Use in twisting motions on the to be polished surface. After a few minutes, clean of the excess. Then apply the fine compound on an other clean cloth. Do the same as with the first compound.
      It should be noted that the area has to be sanded first as smooth as possible. Starting with a harsh sanding paper all up to a fine one like 1000 or 1200 and all the ones in between.
      This should ensure a smooth surface. Good luck with it

      • Hmmm I see. Thanks for the info. I bought the wing one then. The Tamiya Polish compound finish. I’ll have to buy the course and fine compound with the clothes as well.

        Thank you so much!! XD