
  • Nyshiro posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 7 years, 8 months ago

    Been working on my 1/144 Sazabi….weathered and repainted with a bit of Battle Damage..Almost there….and a bit…crude…since i’ve yet to master a clean finish….thoughts..?
    • In my honest opinion, if you do some battle damage, the finish doesn’t have to be flawless. As a matter of fact, it shouldn’t.
      I can’t see where it is rough, it looks like a great paint job to me. There are some rough patches on the thrusters on the backpack, but if you wouldn’t have told us that it is a bit “crude”, I wouldn’t have noticed it at all, to me it looked like part of the finish you where going for.
      If I may give you a suggestion, do a panel wash on the armor collar and other recesses, provided you where not going to do that. Just put a gloss acrylic or lacquer on top of the paint to protect it.
      If you need some advice on how to get a “clean finish”, could you please clarify what exactly you mean? I would like to give you tips and so, but I don’t know with what parts you have problems with, so please let me know and I’ll gladly help you out as best as I can.
      Nevertheless, the Sazabi looks great! Great job!

    • Once again….thanks for the advice I will take it into Consideration…. 😀
      Also got some updated pics coming up in a few secs…