
  • Hurricane.force posted an update in the group Group logo of What just arrived from HLJ??What just arrived from HLJ?? 9 years, 4 months ago

    A big box of gundam goodness arrived today 🙂

    • The AGE-1 Razor is awesome, I hope you have fun building that as much as I did. And of course, the new MG Sazabi, its a monster! =D Have you built the older kit (Sazabi)? It makes it feel like a 1/60 hg build o_O

      • I built the age 1razor last night , it was certainly interesting working out which bits went where. Its a good looking kit for sure but will need some paint to make it look right. I havent built the old mg sazabi as it never appealed to me , this new one however is a different matter and i am looking forward to it. I now have so msny i dont knowwhere to start , not to mention all the others that ive already built that need paint/ panel lines/decals 🙂