
  • Hurricane.force posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 4 months ago

    I have been building my zeta plus over the last few days and just Finished panel lines and decals. I really hate the dry transfers as they always seem to tear or just not work right for me but i had to have a go anyway. Panel lines were done with my new gundam markers bit i am a bit annoyed that after only one kit the tip of the panel line pen is wearing out and becoming all frayed and nasty despite being very gentle with it , does anybody have a solution to stop this ? Next up will be transforming its wave rider mode to see what that looks like. This is my first transforming MG so im looking forward to it.

    • If the tip of your pen is fraying after only one kit, it’s due to few things. 1. the most likely issue is that even if you’re not realizing it, you may be pushing to hard. sometimes gentle isn’t enough lol. 2. The plane lines contain debris, which is snagging the tip. 3. You drew the short straw and got one with a bad tip. it happens. I don’t use my pen all the time, but it has been used across 10+ kits and the tip is still perfect. The only thing i can say to help you preserve a tip, is to clean the tip often while using the pen.