
  • GAML posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla Builders UKGunpla Builders UK 9 years, 5 months ago

    Started building my first Gundam (or model even!), have to say I’m over the moon with how this kit comes together. So many hours put into it with more to go. Very enjoyable experience, although I’ve several slices on my fingers for cleaning up gate marks. I’ve a few HG kits coming so will see if they keep me as interested as this RG! Have I set the bar high by starting with the RG? Officially addicted and blames Hobbylink TV and rrobbert184 youtube channel.

    • Good start 🙂
      If your not used to cutter to your fingers, try wearing a plaster on that finger till you get used to the pressures involved. Won’t stop you cutting yourself entirely but it will help.
      Also chexk your not cutting with a dulled blade.
      And bloody GunplaTV!!!!!!! Lol

      • Things certainly went a bit smoother with a few plasters around the fingers 😀 Definitely not dull blades, just started at this so I ordered a batch of modeling tools, cutters, xacto knives, pin vices the whole schbang so that I wouldn’t be scrambling around looking for bits lol I’ve panel line markers, pla plates and some poly cap pieces from Kotobukiya waiting to ship which I want to use on a 1/24 Aoshima Megazone Garland kit I picked up so using these Gundams as modeling practice… well until the addiction started! 😀

        I’ll get to sanding off some of the pieces and cleaning up the GP01 before panel lining and adding the stickers, maybe a bit of paint on a few pieces. Seen some impressive works done on these GP01s already!

        • Sounds like a nice ton of kit coming your way!!!
          I have the GPO1 to I love it, though I started with 3 MG’s, have made a couple of HG’s though not too keen on them. At least they are cheap to bodge about with 🙂
          Don’t know the Aoshima kit, will have to look it up.
          Have fun.

          • Just checked out your Ingram progress! Awesome little model!

            Here’s a link to the Garland kit I have sitting here, looks simple compared to what I just seen on this RG, but love the Megazone 23 anime and want to attempt a non-parts forming mod on the legs just for fun 😀 Figure I’ll work my way up to it with learning airbrushing on those cheapie HG kits to save me some grief 😀

    • That’s an awesome kick off for the hobby man!
      Battle scars show’s experience and at least now you know how to handle that knife better on your next kit!
      Starting with the RG may have set your bar to a higher level, but it should not stop you from exploring what started it all! I too have a high bar when it comes to building ever since I finished my two PG kits. As of right now, I actually want to experience building the older kits since they are cheaper and the best place to start on practicing painting. Have fun on your journey!

      • Indeed, the price of some of the HGs available now it would be a sin not to pick a few up even for testing out some modeling tricks. Picked up I think it was the Astray Blue and Buster I believe for something like less than £4 on HLJ, even if I get nailed by customs again still believe that’s not bad. Just to have to try out some more advanced modeling techniques like airbrushing and weathering.

        I’m amazed at the detail on it! sitting on my work desk, unstickered, unpanel lined, posed with one arm reaching for the beam saber in in the backpack with shield in other hand… fair dues Bandai fair dues you’ve suckered this lad in! I’ll have to hide/cut/burn/eat my bank card to avoid further RG temptation for a while 😀

        Battlescars, usually it’s a lump hammer bustting my fingers not these tiny blades lol I will prevail over that tool yet on this journey lol

        • Got any photos of that description on how it’s posed at the moment? Picturing it my mind just seems so epic.
          Oh man, is the price to import model kits there that expensive? I live on a pacific Island called Guam (three hours away from the Philippines and about four five hours from japan) so I don’t know anything about customs or taxes on model kits.

          • Awaiting this phone to sync the photos since earlier lol I’ll slap it in here when it decides it has uploaded. 🙂
            For shipping orders to Ireland like the first order I got from HLJ this week for a RG GP01 zephyranthes, RG GP01 FB and an xacto knife, customs valued at 40€ odd, then a 23% custom charge with the An Post handling charge of €6. that’s 15€ odd just for those. I think the Aoshima Garland kit, gundam markers I was hit for around the same price … I await my fate with the order I still have to ship from HLJ… 36 items which includes the likes of HG kits, the RG Zeta, lining markers, pla plates, scratch building pieces, joints, tools and few action bases. Working out cheaper hopefully in one bulk order while pieces come in from backorder then shipped out rather than being stung on handling charges on seperate boxes…. so the theory goes lol

            I haven’t shipped any of my orders to my office in the UK, in fear of colleges getting their mitts on them before me lol, but I might try an order to there for comparison. Maybe some of the UK guys can tell us the customs charges?

            • Handling charges PO=SAL £8 (pos £8.50) , Parcel Force=EMS £13.50, Fef-Ex £10.50, import duty 20%. Hope that helps 🙁

        • Lump hammer?????!!!!!!

    • Man! The RG really excite much. I have a Zeta. But I also have other HG are less detailed, but worth it. And relax, cut fingers part of the deal. We have to give our blood for the Gundams! kkk

      • 😀 When the next HLJ shipment arrives, I’ll have plasters and blood bank on stand by for building the RG Zeta 😀