
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 7 months ago

    Well. End of work till monday. Run out of clear coat while doing x-1 (and it led to some disaster) so ill get it next week and fix it. Back to Zaku Tank. Had some trouble with some paint scraping since i let the paint cure to much. But the result is mostly al right.
    Still to do. Waterslides – old kits came with them (at least they look like waterslides to me), som silver dry brushing, and a nice dirty wash. And of course deciding what color to do the front guns. Im thinking either gun metal (like the power cables) and then dark it out with the black wash (the same im going to do with the cables) or just go dark grey (like the manipulators) and just drybrusj some silver on it.