
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 8 months ago

    Welcome to Katoki Hell…
    Was planing to finish the X1 by sunday. But there is Katoki….
    Also forgot to sand a bit the inside of the chest area where the core fighter is put in (it was a tight fit to begin with). As the result while i was testing the overall look i scratched the paint on the core fighter…. I can live with that and im to lazy to fix it now and the core fighter will most of the time stay in. Luckily thanks to this i managed to sand the beam saber mounts so their paint is save.

    Now back to katoki hell. Since saturday i managed to finish about 60% of decals on the core fighters, legs are about 15% done, waist is 80%. Chest is 40%. I have a problem with the Humbrol decal fix im using. Im fealing that it doesnt work at all when it comes to make it easier to afix to curved areas.
    I already lost the both dry decals for the crossbone insignia (dry decals hate me it come off the foil just as i was positioning it on the chest area…). Two waterslides already went down the drain also. Luckly still have 6 more (Samuel send me the wrong ones when i ordered the X1 ones) so ill leave this decal for last. Any one has a idea on how to do this decal?