
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 6 months ago

    Ok. Zaku tanks needs just a flat coat to finish it (hopefully). Here is some sneak preview of one of the few decals on the kit (the kit uses 7….).
    From left:
    Just after applying decals (well few hours after that). The decals look unnatural.
    Next is “destroying” the decal to blend better with the rest of the shield.
    Last is picture after next gloss coat and after adding “dirt” in strategical places of the decal.

    Now i just need to flat coat the kit and ill be happy.

    PS. Somehow cannot attach the damm file.

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    • Very nice. your weathering technique is very solid and it looks amazing. may i ask how you “destroyed” the decal? what tools or technique you used?

      • I tried to do what i was using on the 3rd party decals from Samuel which was using the wooden tooth picks sharp end to gently scrap the decals portions of.
        Well with those Bandai decals it was a bit harder to do it but with a bit more energy i managed to scratch the parts i wanted to be off.

        Also i did a massive screw up on one decal. Used yours vinegar method on a surface treated with decalfix. I had instant white powder below and over the decal after 2 minutes. Luckly i managed to somehow get rid off most of it with more vinegar ^^

        • weird reaction. there must be sodium or another ion in the decalfix that formed an acetate salt. using more vinegar was the best thing to dissolve it. Thanks for the tip on the decal damage and keep up the top notch work