Fox williamson

  • superxvegito posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the tips @foxw. I will be sure to keep them in mind during my build. 🙂

    • np, afterall, the point of communities is more then just ego stroking but mutual suppost

      • OH!, btw MIST the paint on, better to light a coat then too heavy. so make sure to do steady even passes from one side to another never stopping/staring on the parts. you’ll get a much nicer finish this way

  • Cthulhu posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago

    @foxw Char’s counterattack happens chronologically after ZZ. Here some reference:

    • thanks, just made my point, it’s all so intertwined (was also 10 yrs ago i watch ’79 thru) that it’s hard to keep track what’s set where after awhile.

      • The thing I love the most is when they mix and intertwine (used that word again, sorry. :P) everything like they did with the Unicorn. I enjoyed seeing Bright Noa so much while watching Unicorn for the first time! Audrey/Mineva too. Also I like the obvious nod to Amuro when Bright was looking at his photo in his cabin of the Nahel Argama…

        • Oh areed totally, it gives a cohession & depth to the UC timeline. the fact they mostly not made any larfge continuity issues is amazing. god the size of that series bible must be 🙂

          • I’me clueless about the airing of the next episode though. Herad they’re going to skip the september one and air it in march of the next year. Which is a long wait considering we got the last one around march of this year. And then there’s the Origin coming out between 2014 and 2015 which, apart the fact that it’s going to have something to do…[Read more]

            • yeah we still have to wait a long time for the next episode but it will be 90minutes long 🙂 and we still got origin coming out and gundam build fighters. don’t know what to think of build fighters yet, but I love that they are going to release a whole lot more kits from now on 🙂 I’m excited for the HG Wing and DX. and I also like the desing for…[Read more]