
  • Faiz CES posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 3 months ago


    after assambling all the armors i realize i made almost big mistake by putting the hand before arm armor. when i take of the hand to put the armor, the hand joint that goes inside the arm snap off.. it realy creap me out.. it snap of in the injection inside the ball joint.. but when i put it back, it looks like nothing ever happen. phew!

    btw, this what i’v done after assambling the armors.
    first i panel lines any lines i can see with tamiya panel line accent black (realy great tool for lazy dude like me! easy and fast). since it’s almost black kit, most of it is hard to see..

    then comes one of my fav time when building gunpla. decaling time! 😀
    but there’s so few decals here.. just two small sheets of dry transfer decal and sticker.. and i don’t like sticker. it stick well but the gloss is just lame.. so i took out the left over dry transfer decal from my MG FA Unicorn ver Ka. boy there’s lot of leftover there. so basicly here i made my own Jesta ver Ka considering the amount of applyed decals 🙂

    then after that, i use mr hobby flat matt topcoat. this is the first time i use flat coat. make the kit look dusty. seems fit with battle damage type of modification. it kill stickers gloss well, but the sticker edge is still visible (i use sticker for the tristar full color logo)
    and also it cover sanded nubmark well. too bad this is my 1st time use it. if i know the result before, i’ll have use sand paper to clean nub/gate mark all the time.

    this is my first black/ dark kit, so some bad nub mark is unfortunately well visible on the armors 🙁
    but thanks to this kit, now i know how to deal with nub mark.

    here’s picture i took few hours ago in my room and outside behind my house. sunny day!