
  • Randall posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 4 months ago

    Work + Gunpla modeling = FUN!

    My first WIP of MG 00 Qan[T]! Obviously I’m new to this that I decided to finish the right leg first with the decals, panels and coat so I can gain more confidence to do the other parts. It’s like the right leg was the experiment if what I’m doing was right.

    • Oh yeah I forgot to include that I finished the GN Drive with 2 green LEDs for the back and front. This is definitely gonna look awesome if it’s already attached to the chest / back.

      • Great work! I would build the limbs, then spray them. It will save you some topcoat, and the process will go much faster. Leave out the clear parts, though, because the topcoat will fog them up.

        • I used gloss topcoat on the clear parts. What I did here was that I sprayed gloss on all the parts first before I decaled and paneled then used Matt top coat on the external armors. It’s a very long process but I was trying to get used to spraying these coats. As you can see there are silvering on the foot when I did some touches with a red marker then gloss coating it (1 lesson learned). So gloss coat internally and gloss+matt coat externally. But what i also learned from this limb was what you said, build before spraying to save time and topcoat.

          • I honestly can’t see the flaw from the pictures. Looks great to me. I think you should save yourself some money and skip the gloss coat next time. Panel lines and decals are fine on bare plastic. I wouldn’t skip with the gloss on the other parts of the kit, though, as it might create a different finish than on the leg you sprayed. The 00 Quanta is one of my favorite designs form 00. Have you watched the movie?

            • A wakening of the trailblazers. Yeah but I liked the series though but can’t resist the Qan[T] and I also have the other 3 from the movie (HG Raphael, Zabanya and Harute) but still not assembled.

              Yeah I should skip the gloss coat. Flat coat is still the bomb especially that I’m not painting my kits atm. Thanks @Bossguy I really appreciate it. I really need this that someone mentors me.

              • Oh, you’re too kind. I’m a newbie myself. I’ve just collected knowledge of this hobby from experts and past experiences. I’m glad you share my 00 obsession! And yes, flat coat is the bomb!

    • Look good! I still have my in the box but I totally agree, work + gunpla modelling = fun! It’s a good way to wind down after a busy and long day at work! Looking forward to seeing the finish kit! Good luck!