
  • DerpLord posted an update in the group Group logo of Advanced Modeler - Modeling Competition 2017Advanced Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 5 years, 10 months ago

    Got my aftermarket tracks from the mail. They’re from Voyager model and I made sure to get the appropriate ones for the time period – they’ve got a pretty hefty selection and there were a lot of different tracks made for the panzer iii/iv series of tanks over the course of the war.

    I tried to get as best a close up shot as possible with my phone cam. The detail is good for plastic tracks. Hollow guide horns, track pin detail. Not looking forward to cleaning up over a hundred little track links though…yikes!

    And finally, I’ve painted the main body of the vehicle in the standard dark yellow as was the norm for german panzers during 1943. I’ll be adding a suitable camo pattern as well though I’m not modelling any specific vehicle in particular.

    Oof.. it seems I only have 2 weeks left into the contest. Better kick this into high gear. Cheers