
  • Dave Bush posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 6 years ago

    Finished the test fit, then after about 3 hours of measuring, chopping, fitting, and a looot more chopping, managed to fit the Raspberry Pi inside.

    Had to do a bit of gluing, so the intakes are left off while they dry. But once that’s done, you’d never know this baby just got an extreme makeover.

    Next up? Programming and wiring.

    • raspberry Pi is cool to work with – arduino is also very easy much cheaper and they are much smaller form factor…unless you need video I”m curious why to choose the Pi?

    • It’s a Zero, so price isn’t really an issue. Went with the Pi mostly because I had it sitting on my bench begging to be used in something.

      Not doing video, but controlling LEDs and playing a few MP3s. The Pi Zero is smaller than an Arduino Nano and a MicroSD board combined, but there might be some merit to having two smaller boards instead of the one large one.

      Hmm. That’s definitely something to think about. Nothing is glued yet, so there’s plenty of time to change things out.

      Thanks for your input, I’ll look into it!