
  • 1/100 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – Sahelanthropus by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    Metal Gear Sahelanthropus is here from Phantom Pain thanks to Kotobukiya. Even MG Sazabi is shocked at h […]

    • Hi rrobbert184, two Rs two Bs. In the off chance that you are able to read this, I just wanted to say thanks. You were the reason why I picked up gunpla as a hobby. It has now been 5 years and man I gotta tell you I still enjoy it. It really helped me out a lot to take my mind off of things and to just sit back and relax. There’s almost a zen vibe when building kits you know? Anyways, see you around

  • 1/100 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – Sahelanthropus by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    The Sahelanthropus from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is all put together. Let’s take a pain-free […]

  • 1/144 F-15 ACTV Active Eagle (Muv-Luv) by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    Muv-Luv’s F-15 ACTV Active Eagle is all assembled. See how it looks!

    As usual, all you need is a good pair of plastic n […]

  • 1/144 F-15 ACTV Active Eagle (Muv-Luv) by Kotobukiya – Available from HobbyLink Japan

    The new model from Muv-Luv, Boening’s F-15 ACTV Active Eagle, joins the shelf party in plamo form! Let’s get active and se […]

  • 1/100 Frame Arms NSG-Z0/K Durga II – Available from Hobbylink Japan

    The powered knight Durga II is all put together! Let’s see how he looks, especially with angry red sword in hand…

    As usual, all you need is […]

  • 1/100 Frame Arms NSG-Z0/K Durga II – Available from Hobbylink Japan

    By Rrobbert184 from

    The powered knight/samurai mecha, Durga II is here from Kotobukiya. Let’s see what’s inside the […]

  • rrobbert184 wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Astranagant – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Astranagant from Super Robot Wars is all put together. Let’s take a closer look at this dark angel!

    A little bit different from most kits, you do need some glue […]

    • Hehey! Rrobbert184 is back with some cool stuff. Are you planning to revive your YouTube channel?

  • rrobbert184 wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Astranagant – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    The dark angel, Astranagant, has joined the party that is Super Robot Wars OG. Let’s see what’s in the box for this intriguing looking kit!

    The box is a little bit […]

    • Youuuuu!!! I’ve been a long time subscriber to your youtube channel and lately I’ve been binge watching a lot of your videos!!
      It’s been so long since you last posted a video and I was afraid you’ve disappeared from the face of the earth! Glad you’re still alive!
      It would be amazing if you could respond to this comment and tell me how you’re doing! 😀 Thanks, nice to see you again

  • rrobbert184 wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Frame Arms Girls Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Frame “unarmed version” Arms Girl Materia is all put together. Let’s see how the kit looks after assembly!

    A good pair of plastic nippers is all you need to put […]

  • rrobbert184 wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Frame Arms Girls Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Here’s the 3rd Frame “Unarmed” Girl Materia.  Let’s see what Kotobukiya has in store…

    The box is a little bigger than a regular High Grade kit.

    You can see […]

    • Since you get all these frame arms girls kits will you maybe also show the super fumina?

  • 1/144 Cybaster SP (Spirit Possession Ver.) – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Cybaster from Super Robot Wars is now all put together, and possessed! Let’s see how it looks.

    Nothing more than a good pair of […]

  • 1/144 Cybaster SP (Spirit Possession Ver.) – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Here comes Cybaster Spirit Possession Ver. from Super Robot Wars in 1/144 scale. Let’s take a look at what’s inside the box!

    Any […]

  • More Frame Arms Girls available at HobbyLink Japan!

    Stylet Girl is now all put together. Let’s take a look at this completed kit.

    A good pair of plastic nippers is enough to put her together.

    Front, side, […]

  • More Frame Arms Girls available at HobbyLink Japan!

    Here comes the second Frame Arms Girl, Stylet / Stiletto from Kotobukiya. Let’s check out what’s in the box!

    Stylish cover in the same style as Gourai […]

  • Shin Getter 1 from HobbyLink Japan
    (Check out more Shin Getter items at HobbyLink Japan!)

    Shin Getter-1 is now all put together in his massive glory! Let’s enjoy the show!

    All you need is a good pair of […]

  • Shin Getter 1 from HobbyLink Japan
    (Check out more Shin Getter items at HobbyLink Japan!)

    Shin Getter-1, one of the most popular super robots of all time, is here in scale model form from Kotobukiya! Let’s see […]

  • Starscream (D-Style) by Kotobukiya – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    The would-be Decepticon king Starscream is here in Kotobuikya’s D-style line. Let’s see how he looks all put together!

    Cool cover art  w […]

  • Skywarp & Thundercracker (D-Style) by Kotobukiya – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Who always follows after Starscream? Skywarp and Thundercracker, of course! Let’s check them out in D-style!

    2 more Seekers se […]

  • Earth Engine Impactor by Kotobukiya – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Earth Engine Impactor is all put together. Let’s take a closer look at the completed kit!

    All you need as usual is a good pair of plastic […]

  • Earth Engine Impactor by Kotobukiya – Available From HobbyLink Japan

    Earth Engine Impactor, a very cool mecha from Captain Earth is here in plastic model form. Let’s see what’s inside the box!

    The box is a […]

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