
  • Josh Klingler posted an update in the group Group logo of Modeling Supplies Addicts - Tools, Paints, TipsModeling Supplies Addicts – Tools, Paints, Tips 9 years, 9 months ago

    I can spray acrylic top coat over enamel paint? Right?

    • yes, just make sure to give the enamal time to cure properly and go in light mist coats

      • Thanks for the fast anwser I was on my way to hobby shop recommend any nippers

        • honestly? I am very much anti-common thought, I started with nail clippers as A kid 30 yrs ago & still use them today, only using nippers on really wierd oddball gates

      • Nevermind found section only had one kind hate that my hobby shop is a hobby lobby

        • you poor buggar, ain’t much better here i fear, micheals and “hobby lobby” pretty much suck equely imho

          • You guys should take on a challenge of coming to Serbia and finding ANY kind of hobby shops here. PlaMo nippers? We sell small wire cutters that double as hobby nippers. You buy one two and get two for the price of one. A wire mini cutter and a PlaMo nipper! As for the actual choice of PlaMo or anything other from this kind of hobby for that matter is more or less a no go. We have german Revell, their enamel paints, thinners and small potatoes like those but that’s about it. Everything else is an interweb order exclusively. As for the nippers, I’ve heard these are THE BEST you can find out there. Ebay sells them for 70$ so it’s gotta be worth the money, right? Waiting for an HLJ restock though.

            • Far as going to serbia, no thanks i’ve spent enough time in what i like to call “the hobby dead zone” for one lifetime.

              • Having stuff shipped straight to your door does help a bit for not having that much stuff at stores. I was amazed when I saw a photo on this blog of somekne doing shopping. Pair of slippers, shorts and one HG Banshee Destroy… Oh well…

                • ‘least you see stuff like that in shops, here only the FEW real ‘hobby’ shops aka non chains, carry anything. only one shop in town carries gunplay, but i’m not dropping 80$ on an HG 1/100 wing kit (aka prices are insane or read why all his gunpla has 12′ of dust on it

                  • 80$ for a HG?! That’s just… WOW! 😐 It’s a price you should pay for an MG. It’s a price MG’s go for in stores. Damn, a guy that sells them here, ordering them from a dealer, with customs tax and other crap like those, his interest etc etc would sell you a Sinanju Stein for that price. Maybe 5$ more. And I consider them expensive and go straight for HLJ every time. Sorry to hear that.

                    • yeah. Local prices make convention prices look good.

                      Admittable given he’s had the same kits since wing showed, I think he got shafted by the dealer he got them off.

                      unfortunatly gunpla isn’t distributed in canada, so when you do find it it’s been imported and tax’ed, So A $5 kit becomes a $20 kit, and such.

                      Pretty much most canadians just have to self import and prey customs dosn’t attack my knickers over the 3 SD’s I ordered

                      • I guess it’s the same thing all over the world. If you want to cut costs, order your own stuff. Having to go to the customs office every time they “can’t read something” is another pain I feel whenever ordering anything from China, sometimes even HLJ stuff. It’s not that they can’t read, it’s that they’re lazy and don’t want to do so.

    • My friend, *obligatory contrary opinion* is what makes us better. 🙂 These are the ones you were talking about that work by not closing all the way?

      • $20 + another 15 to get them shipped to me. If it is a highly recommended item I guess it’s worth having them. My old cutter’s going pretty dull and it ain’t going to get any better.

    • You’re as much of a money stealer as HLJ is! 😀 I’ve added it to my “to buy” list. About that Peak we’ve talked about, I’ve browsed what HLJ had in store and found the last HP-CS they had which surprisingly enough came out some 20€ – 27-8$ cheaper than the cheapest ebay Eclipse. It is more or less the same as that C3 but I went for it just because it gives me some sort of security brand wise. So sad they didn’t have the HP-CP though because that thing is even cheaper. Going for $121.

    • I actually like the sound of these cutter. Thanks for the link, will have to consider these once my cutter wears down.

    • I started with cheap nail clippers that I just had lying around as a part of a set that I never got to use. But they went pretty quick. Weak in nature and generaly not made to cut through plastuc they went dull and stopped closing propperly in a matter of 2-3 months. After that I had a pair of mini wire cutters that worked pretty well but they’re “big” and hard to work with when it comes to small parts we tend to get often so I need something small and sharp to help me get between small parts and cut them propperly without fear of damage to the plastic. As for the Eclipse, a lot of people recommend it as they used it over years as their main workhorse tool of choice. So I picked it up. A lot of them swear the seals are tight and that solvents doesn’t harm them that much so I said “what the hell!” and bought it. However I deposited, what seems to me a few bucks short on my internet card and made myself a problem that I have to correct with another trip to the bank in an hour or so, as soon as it opens. The morning’s nice so I’ll just take a walk. Enjoy the rest of the day guys! As for you Tim, you’re my go-to guy when it comes to tool advices so I doubt you’re wrong on the nippers either.