
  • Blue Comet posted an update in the group Group logo of Modeling Supplies Addicts - Tools, Paints, TipsModeling Supplies Addicts – Tools, Paints, Tips 9 years, 9 months ago

    I noticed that MG Hyaku Shiki has a dry transfer decal for the shiny gold parts. Is there a way to top coating it without ruining that shiny gold. I have a feeling that flat coat won’t help.

    • thanks man

      • And give us the end result. I own the same kit, unsealed to this point. Just did some coats on the transfers themselves. But would do the whole kit with Furute if it’s going to work. Old runners are long gone so I can’t “practice” beforehand.

    • You could try using the decal softener, atleast you could still make adjustments while working without damaging the glossy finish..

      Apply small amount of softener on every decals and let it sit for 1-2 mins JUST FOR 1-2 MINUTE then dry it up with cotton buds. make sure no softener is left to the decals & any glossy parts of the kit.

      let it dry for a day then it is ok and cannot be easily remove unless otherwise intended to.

    • To tell you the truth, I’m scared of doing it completely with an airbrush. Would you advise that or against airbrushing it with Future?

      • I’ve had zero problems with Future through my airbrush, other than putting too much Future onto the kit and having to wait forever for it to dry. If you put too much on it can dissolve some of the underlying acrylic paint, or cause a bump.

        So what I try to do is a very light coat first, and then go back an make sure my light is such that I can see the wet shine of the Future and stop as soon as I’ve got “just enough” Future on there. I still make mistakes, but I’m getting better!

    • So airbrushing Future on my Hyaku-Shiki is a no go then. That’s what I wanted to know. Thanks. Since I found a good enough substitute (Future clone from the same company with more or less the same effect but a different name) for applying any kind of varnish or a top coat I use that stuff all of the time. No need to thin it is a bonus which makes things easier, cleaning too. Enamel varnish I have come in matt and glossy finish, made by Revell, but running them through airbrush results in having spiderwebs all over the place so I just stopped using it all together. No other options at the moment and ordering Gunze topcoats would cost me ~ 35 USD which is more than I want to spend on a can of topcoat. Buying in bulk over ebay or something like that would be the only viable option for something I could airbrush on an actual kit. Until then I’ll just stick with Future. 🙂