
  • Anime-Mun posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 6 months ago

    Checkpoint 1- Due to the delays of my orders and the destruction of my ReZEL custom I’m going ahead and showing the box and parts as well as the display area for my converted parts. As for the whole I’ve chosen the front skirts, the feet, an already modified rifle and the backpack that I will modify into a Zeta-Compatible shield at a later date. Feet have been painted an unusual blue red scheme to show more of a mesh with the two original designs of the Nu and the Zeta which this is pulling from. However, conversion to a white may be possible if people want it to go like that. The beam rifle has had some silver and black detailing added along with metallic green scopes as well as a sawed off barrel to give it a more interesting “Burst Rifle” look. Finally the “shield has been modified to where a small cannon can be installed and carries the basic colors that will be used for this kit. Yellows will be VERY minimal due to me preferring it as a detail color as opposed to a prevalent color. Black, blue and red will be very present and in some areas some metallic green will be applied to hint that as a melding of the Nu and the Zeta a psychoframe is present. Let me know what you think of my current details and let me know how you want me to approach things with Step 2 or the Zeta conversion. P.S. I might give this the nickname of the NuZ(News) Gundam.

    • ouch that bite about the bad news man

    • Good skills with this build, really hope it all comes together for you.
      I think you have to go with your gut feeling on your colour scheme. Think I am repeating a lot of greater people than I when I say do some test pieces 1st. You can gauge what you like then.

      • Thanks, I’m glad you guys are enjoying what I’m doing with this so far. I hope that as soon as I get the next parts done that you guys will enjoy the main body when its done Next update will be showing the main arm mods, the finished shield, the main body and the leg formats. The final parts will be the wing system along with the head, shoulders, and fine details that I’ll be bringing in from the Hi-Nu. I won’t tell which ones yet so you guys can look forward to it.