
  • zeroone posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 6 months ago

    The little woman bought me the MG MS-14s Gelgoog for my 35th. so far the frame is together.. i might leave it this way.. such a nice frame, better looking than the Zaku 2.0, just not as flexible.

    I pose a question to my fellow modelers.. Do you prefer a finished frame, lined, or completely detailed? i lined the frame on my Zaku 2.0. might go a step further with this one. thanks!

    • Congratulations. Best of wishes to you in good health, love and lots of Gunpla

    • Ps, I only paint the inner frames. No detailing. On all heavy industrial equipment all the components are sprayed in one color, this only to prevent rust. Pistons and e.g. drive belt of course not. So I follow that trend, as a giant robot is a huge piece of military equipment. But that is just my opinion…

    • as always, thanks teetee!

    • i like to do some detailing on the frames but it really depends on the kit for me. my next big build will be rather extensive with the level of inner frame detailing but its still in the planning stages at this point. I agree with teetee about “undercoating” of industrial machinery so i will be going with one or two flat grey colors for the frame and some chrome details on pistons, rivets, ect. when i work on a kit, the more detail i put into it the more complete it feels to me but you should build how you want to build. hell im seriously thinking about using pink in my color scheme for my nu-gundam build.

    • id really like to see how you work pink into the nu-gundam. please keep us updated on that.
      thanks for telling me how you go about it. i was thinking of just detailing it without any kind of finish coat.

    • Very nice frame! I have my gelgoog on the way! I like to add nice little details to give the kit more life! i dont paint the frame tho but i do detail pistons, ankles, elbows and thrusters! The gelgoog has a lot of thrusters and I just keep dreaming about what i’ll be doing with them.

    • thrusters galore.. only the sazabi has more i feel.. lol

    • Its true to a degree. The moment when they are out of the factory and they are serviced by mechanics the one color goes away due to various reasons. The chances of the spare part having the exact same color are slim (more than one factory building the suit is one example), also sometimes parts of different suits are used for repairs. Not to mention if the suit isnt Chars or McQuwe – basically a grunt suit the mechanics wouldnt bother of getting rid of various greases that get on the parts during maintanance.

      So i would go wit one max 2 colors (or rather shades of same base color) and some wash to accent the details. Lets face it not detaling the zeon inner frame is a sin. In most grunt zeon suits it even has more details than the armor plating of the suit.

    • Dont forget Nightingale and Rick Dom