
  • Oli8all posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 8 years, 8 months ago

    #WIP MG Destiny Gundam custom painted build. Once again the amazing weather has meant my progress on this build has been really quick as the paint has been really easy to do! I’ve gone for the original colour scheme of the Destiny, however I have panel scribed lots of my own details and areas of the armour to give the MG the two tone style of the RG (I chose to do this after seeing a modeller ‘primarymh’ of team nexus do this with his build of the G-Gundam and Star Build Strike) check him his with out its great! Anyways I used Tamiya AS-20 Insignia White and Tamiya Light Grey for the tone panels on the “white” armour parts and head done with a lot of time masking! I chose to use Tamiya TS-47 Chrome Yellow for the yellow parts and Tamiya TS-49 Bright Red for the red parts as I thought that these colours were the closet match to the original colours. The blue colour was the hardest colour to find on Tamiya paints as there blues just are to different from the blue if the destiny as it is a dark but light blue that’s slightly purpley ( anyway is weird and difficult to find) and since I don’t own am airbrush I can’t mix my own paint… So I took if upon my self to mix able with spray cabs and it worked! Firstly I put down a couple of coats if primer as always with everything and then I put down a few coats of Tamiya TS-57 Blue Violet (which is very violet) I let that dry for about 10 mins and then layered a few coats of Tamiya TS-44 bright blue and I have to say that the outcome was pretty close but not perfect it’s a bit to bright from the original colour… But I like it so much more! And finally for the light blue I used Plastikote 1175 Sky Blue as I had some lying around from one of my car model kit builds and i think it looks good! I have taken a lot of pictures (just warning) but here it is so far… Just the wings to go!!!
