
  • White Glint posted an update in the group Group logo of The RG GroupThe RG Group 9 years, 1 month ago

    Just got and done the RG Zeta. Now if this one was my first RG I wouldn’t have done another one. But should to use the decals….it looks so plain

    RG Zeta
    • Is it that much of a pain to put together? I have literally just washed my frames, was looking forward to the complexity.
      Did you try the transformation yet?
      Yes decal the wee beastee 😀

    • His chest piece was the biggest problem I had with him.part of it is on that frame system and you have to put it on in the up position and then bring it down. Those parts were so small and so stiff that I just washaving all kinds of issues getting it into place. I still don’t like it’s “hips” if they do a 3.0 MG of him they can give us this version but with the 2.0 hips. Haven’t tried to transform him yet. Maybe once I get him panel lined and decaled up I will.