
  • GN posted an update in the group Group logo of Completed Gunpla/ModelsCompleted Gunpla/Models 9 years, 1 month ago

    • Looked awesome mate! Did you paint all the pieces?

      • Yes, all the pieces are individually airbrushed. Some pieces were also masked so that I didn’t have to use the stickers.

        • I like the red color variation on the shield. May I know what colors are they specifically?

          • The shield is Createx pearl red, with a top coat of Tamiya clear red. The darker tone was created by mixing a small amount of black and blue into the pearl red. I had to do it twice because the first time I made it too dark.

    • Excellent paint work, love the white.
      I am a heathen as not a fan of the RX-78-2 MS design. This however makes me want a 3.0.

      • Thanks. The RX-78 isn’t always the most interesting design suit, but this iteration is excellent. There’s lots of detail with the armour which breaks up the “way too much white” look of previous versions. The details and how the construction goes together makes this an excellent kit.

        • Love all the small detail, and different panel colours coming together, looks lie hours of a masking nightmare to pull off though.

          • Fortunately, due to the design of the V3.0 there’s not that much masking actually needed. I did mask on the shield for the two-tone red effect, and for some of the small detail parts where otherwise stickers would have been used, but that’s about it. Never-the-less, this kit has an awful lot of small parts so it does take a fair time to paint and detail each one individually.

            Also, I paint before assembly which does reduce a lot of the need for masking.