
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 10 months ago

    okey i just heard that the normal wing seor was annouced to be an mg .i am happy to see the 3 main awsome suit are about to be on the mg line wich are tallgees,epony,and now wing F****** zero.what do u guys think.

    • I’m so excited

      • Freakin’ excited here. Though I hope it will not get much Katoki theme in design since the Illustration tells it is from Katoki itself even it is not EW.

        • go to the pos above u see the cd are work what sems diffrent is the shield and back pack but in a nice way i want it

        • it’s quite strange for there to be a Ver Ka of the Wing Zero, since technically the Wing Zero Custom is already the Ver Ka of that suit, but meh whatever it’s cool so they can call it whatever the hell they feel like.

          • Wing 0 Custom really Katoki’s design but what I am talking about is the MG Trademark of his works with the verKA line that comes with the white box art. I don’t want it to be like that. Wrahahahahahah

          • well thier calling it proto i guess sensee they made 2 suits in kai that wernt orignaly kai they said why the hell not.i dont think waltz creator made the epony and tallgeese .also i think he didnt like the transformation much of the zeor we need tallgeese 3