
  • Romar08 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 2 months ago

    Really sorry about this, I hope this could be considered or if not critics will be highly appreciated.

    • Looks good I still have to built this kit, did you already submit the final photos in the final submission section yesterday?

      • I’m having trouble with uploading pictures.. i guess it is due to the size of each picture. Thank you so much for your comment sir! I guess I did not make it on time…

        • If the photos are too large, and you have access to a regular PC, I found that manually setting the resolution to what HLJ required, worked for me…seemed to have trouble uploading update photos from my phone sometimes though.

    • Oh man, that’s close. 🙁

    • This is an amazing work. Did you paint the armors?

      • Hello wwho0628 thank you for your comment, I did not pain any of the armor, though the eyes and gun sight lenses were hand painted using clear sky blue & that’s about it. The weathered look was a combination of markers and pencil lead in which I used my fingers to smudge and make a “neat mess”. Until I found this weathering kit fm Tamiya with soot powder which definitely speed up my weathering process as compared to my first technique. you can check my WIP 🙂

        • Seriously if you hadn’t mentioned how you weathered the kit, I would have sworn I was looking at an airbrushed model, great work.

          • Thank you Outamyhead! my weathered look seems a bit excessive i guess, i aimed for overused and less maintained look rust and soot everywhere but little battle damage… thanks man for the compliment! Good luck on your entry!

            • Soot is very nice for shading. I also used the very same powder for my kit. It’s super easy! 🙂 A pity if this kit can’t compete in the competition.

              • I agree wwho, it’s a good thing I got to learn that it exist 🙂 no more smudging for me 🙂 oh well i hope it will be considered but compliments from you guys is enough already for me maybe Next time

                • Mate, honestly, your kit has spark a great interest within me to Tallgeese. I’m currently seriously considering this to be my next kit after Sazabi and Gundam X (pre-ordered already).

                  • Yeah man, this is really a nice kit to have in your collection, the inner frame is quite different from the rest of my build (this is only second, i have to assume since all EW kits has the same inner frame i guess). Also this kit portraits Human articulation that wore an armor,. Hey thanks again man! Good luck on you next build. Happy to influence you with my work!

    • not bad not bad