
  • Jaberwak posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 2 months ago

    Some update on the proto Dom.
    Finally finished the most annoying part of the build. The chest (well it still needs sanding). My second try at led work (first being HG HyGoog).
    Things i learned:
    – dont take short cuts. if you think it will be easier it will make more problems later on.
    (aluminium is easy to form, but try to solder it….)
    – dont leave assembled led on a table before christmas (where did i put that led and switch…)
    – always remember where you hid the tools before christmas house cleaning (rosin im looking at you…)
    – be patient (some things just are bound to fail while doing for the first time – scribing panel lines)
    – get a good primer. (definetly never ever again Valleyo primer).
    – even a best plan fails miserably when confronted with reality ( waist chest connector was plan D, plans A,B,C failed)

    Things to do.
    1)Finish priming parts.
    2)Get them ready for painting tomorrow.
    3)Prey 3 days will be enough to finish the kit.

    So some question.
    How to do shading on almost black parts?
    Need some ideas how to make a heat saber power on effect?