
  • Hurricane.force posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 3 months ago

    Well ive completed the basic build of my RG MK II titans suit. The kit is technically very impressive but feels very fragile compared to the 1/100 scale i usually build. The thing about this particular kit that is really annoying are the nub marks , which because its all moulded in dark plastic , really stick out as they are grey / white. On a kit this small they are really noticable. That being said it does look impressive now its built , the amount of detail Bandai has packed into these kits is astounding , better in most cases than the master grades i have built. Now i just have the stickers left , all 150 of them ! Some of those are rediculously small but i think the effort will be worth it. I thoroughly recommend that anybody that hasnt built a RG kit yet to try one although i would recommend one of the more traditional colour schemes as i dont think the nub marks will be such an issue on the lighter coloured plastic. Wish me luck with the stickers 🙂