
  • superrobotfan1099 posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 2 months ago

    Final Entry to Beginner Competition
    This Is my DYGUENGAR!
    I have never done this much work on a model before.
    There for i give thanks to HLJ for the motivation
    to push myself and build the best model i can do!

    • Wow, it’s turned out pretty good O.O
      You got a chance to win this, let’s just hope right now XD

    • Well what do ya know, it’s actually got two eyes. I always thought it was missing one for some reason. And I’m amazed it can actually lift it’s sword. Hope the joints don’t loosen up over time because it just isn’t right without that big piece of metal.

      And it’s looking pretty good. I like the work you’ve done on the fingerjoints and the chestplate.

    • That sword look menacing.