
  • CloakBall posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 4 months ago

    Now that these model kits have been repaired and painted them with neutral colors then adding some silver, for the parts that will be covered with clear colored paint. After seeing Ryan’s video painting the Shinanju creating a candy colored effect. We will be looking forward to seeing Syd and Ryan’s kit-bash and what you guys will call it. Looking forward to seeing episode seven of Gundam Unicorn.

    This kit bash will be known as Blue Lunar Meteor squad. Which combines the G-Saviour before the parts are used to build the G-Savior, after the Earth Federation Government collapses. Made by the Guinness’s of the Savior team.

    The names are now given, they by the parts. G-30 which consists of the main body of the G-Saviour and the Gundam Harute. G-Ghost consisting of the Gundam Harute and legs of the G-Saviour. G-Thruster consisting of the 00 Quanta, the Exia’s torso, and the G-Saviors legs. G-Sparrow consisting of the head of the G-Saviour and the 00 Quanta.