
  • Hurricane.force posted an update in the group Group logo of What just arrived from HLJ??What just arrived from HLJ?? 9 years, 5 months ago

    Selection of 1/100 kits that arent available as MGs (as far as i know) will be painting these in due course when i get around to getting an air brush.

    • Did they available in HLJ? I already been searching in HLJ for the airmaster but cant find it

      • Yes they are all from hlj . Just type Airmaster in the search box , you will find them easily that way , the 1/100 hg that i got is low stock atm though so get one before they are gone until the next restock.

        • Thanks..already ordered them..really getting me back to old memories…17 years back actually 🙂

          • Gundam X, my second best Gundam series after the original. I feel so old.. 🙂 ..hopefully next year will be the year of Gundam X.