
  • Cesar posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 3 months ago

    Test fitting all main body pieces, weathering almost done, some dust, dirt and oxide were placed in areas that are hidden most of the time, clear parts of head´s visor and shoulders are now painted and drying, tomorrow will be fully assembled, and now, let´s start the armour, it will have some scratch build, custom paint scheme and some impovements.

    • Dude, how much scratch building have you put into this guy? I’d say you missed a group here. 🙂

      • Well, not much really, just will use some little styrene strips to add some detail on the armour plates, you will see in pictures, and depending on the result, might change group or the final submission to advanced, we´ll see.

    • Dude, insane work!!!