
  • saleem posted an update in the group Group logo of Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013Intermediate Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013 9 years, 5 months ago

    dig the kit out the trash mate and redo it.

    read what i have to say then read the post i make and i will post a couple pics to show you something.

    soak the kit in isopropyl or something for 30mins or so then tooth brush it.

    secret of dragon iron nman kits (if thats what it was) is to keep aprts serate,dont glue after but glue the torso,head and upper arms and thighs together beferor painting,keep the face mask and the little bits seperate as they are usualy different color,shove the parts on blu tac on cocktail sticks and prime the parts first then if you hand brush,thin the paint down and use 2-3 layers to build the color up letting each layer dry first.

    realy mk7 needs to be air brushed with laquer but hand painting can be done.

    i did a dragon iron patriot and tried alclad metallic blue but the paint didnt come out right,so i dug out a citadel blue from my box and hand brusjed ontop the alaclad blue i had done,then wasnt happy with that and dug out tamiya clear blue and brushed that on,big mistake,never brush large areas with clear paint,use spray.

    well i went and did the deatil ble and red parts etc and then thought it would do although the clear blue was a bit iffy.but prob was worsened by the topuching up i had to do to the detail parts,i had to straighten lines up etc and had to use clear again and it was attrocious.

    so i went and got to point i wanted to trash it,i 3was fuming.

    i calmed down and decided to strip it with isopropyl,i reprimed everything and then used flat tamiya blue paint this time,i detailed it up and did the touching up and it was great,i then clear glossed it.i used flat paint as gloss paint can be iffy as its sticky paint and tends to show if not careful where flat is dull so touch up lines tend to blend to the rest of the color.

    so look at the pics i post and then dig your kit out and do it again,you will be suprised,if you approach it correctly and take your time you can do it and make a real nice model,just thin the paint enough to layer it in 2-3 coats and let each one dry before the next.