
  • CrimsonKMR posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hi folks – Time for me to start my model for the contest 🙂 I chose to do the RG Destiny. Its my first RG kit. Ive done about 50+ HGs and about a dozen MGs in addition to many other random models and about 6k worth of 40k figures fully painted.

    In the picture is everything I plan on using. Looking through some of the other posts, I feel a little intimidated that people are using full painting with spraying in the beginner category o_O Shouldn’t that be intermediate?

    Anyway, will start tonight! XD

    • Whoa, dude. You’re probably the most advanced builder in this whole group. I’ve only built three kits seriously.

    • i have built about 5 but from what i understand the judges will be putting people into the section they believe they should be in during the actual judging. anyways good luck!

    • Maybe I’m misunderstanding the contest rules. I thought it was what you did to the model (straight build/panel lined, airbrushed with normal colors, custom colors/battle damaged etc) was for the catagories…

      oh well, still gonna enter XD Gunpla is fun

      • Yeah, what Vinter said. If the judges feel your build is too advanced, they’ll bump it up to a higher category. No worries. 🙂