
  • hongkit posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    YES! Finally completed! the Killer Whale Couple cum family! muahahaha… enjoy! 😉

    • i found tha eyes for them… outstanding eyes… got them from a handy craft shop! lucky side is i also found the female eyes with eyebrow!

    • Really like what you have done with the kit! The whale paint job is awesome! My only Criticism is the googly eyes, I think if you had paint more realistic eyes on it would have been better than the cartoon one, but that’s just my opinion! But anyways it’s an amazing job and you should be proud of it 🙂

      • hi Oli, thx for your compliment! i once think and plan to draw em but too lousy on drawing… so… this just crossed my mind n… the googly eyes… 🙂 thx again!