
  • Windstrike posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    Wife went to Vietnam and stop by Toyko Airport for transit. She saw a Gundam store and bought me this MG Zeta Gundam. I have only watch the Wing and Seed series so far and don’t know who this Zeta Gundam is. I guess I will build it, since it does look cool.

    • that’s pretty sweet of your wife!

      • Haha, I know. She told me she saw a huge Gundam at the door of the store and she was asking the cashier how much is that(I guess it’s not a model kit, maybe just something that have at their door way). The cashier told her that isn’t for sales and asked her back that who is she buying the model kit for? She didn’t want to tell anyone her husband is 30 something and still playing toys, so she told the cashier its for her son……. : (

        • Haha! But at least she had you in mind and these are still models. You should tell your wife a lot of elderly men take up a modeling hobby whether it be robots or vehicles.