
  • Brotzmann posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013.Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2013. 9 years, 6 months ago

    I’m having trouble posting here but I finally got the post window to show up. It does this on my iPad, Windows PC, and Mac. I tried Safari, Firefox, and explorer also, none wok at times.
    I got some clear green sprayed over the chrome parts and a little clear coating done last night.

    • Having the same issue. I can reply to any post but the window for a new post is just not there. Been trying to put an update on my build as well. Tried Windows, Mac, and IOS. Firefox, IE, Safari, and Crome. All have the same issue. Guess i will just have to keep trying.

      • Yeah i think its a common problem within these groups, probably because the traffic is so heavy that it might cause bugs?