
  • ABCbajet posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 11 months ago

    Model kit vs Figures: I “started again” doing Gunpla way back 2011 (started again – because I have done it before when I was in grade school up to high school) And in the point of about 1.5years after that “start again” I’m kinda bored of doing it because 1 MG kit took me awhile to do the paint job, work around, etc. Since I am also running my own blog ( my posts only consists of my WIP. That is why I started collecting figures as well just to make my blog full of post. By that I have been hooked in collecting figures but still I have the passion to do WIP on Model Kits. So for me I cannot choose between both since I love doing-having them as my Hobby. Thanks Syd & Ryan as well to all HLJ staff.