
  • housegroove posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 7 months ago

    Quick update on the Buster. Finished one leg with scribing in the new panel lines, pla-plating, and primed up everything for painting later. I would say this leg is about 99%done. I need to go back and fix a few small thing the primer brought out.

    • Looks awesome!

    • cool detailing you got there. Love how you etch those lines.

      How did you done it?

    • If your not worried about mirroring the new lines and having perfect symmetry (both sides of an arm for example) it’s a lot easier. If you want the symmetry it gets a lot more involved.

      I would also suggest getting two of the same kit in case you break a piece (I have done it a few times, it sucks) It increases the cost of the build but it saves you the time of having to drive back to the hobby store.

      Anyways here’s the basics on how I do it:
      1. Sketch directly on the piece where you want your new panel lines to be. Your going to be sanding and using primer later so it doesn’t matter how messy it looks.

      2. Once you have something you like, place some clear dynamo tape (the plastic tape used in label makers) along your traced out lines.

      I suggest the clear type because it lets you see under the tape when your to the actual scribing portion and you can have your angles meet up perfectly.

      3. Get yourself a scribing needle and scribe along the edge of your dynamo tape. Start off super light with maybe 2-3% pressure. As Bob Ross always said when he was painting, two hairs and some air. It wont seem like it’s doing anything but after going back and forth for awhile you’ll have a good little groove started. (it also helps if your needle jumps the line you won’t have to go back and do some heavy sanding.) Just be patient and keep going and a little more pressure.

      After a little bit I like to go over the line with a 600 grit sandpaper. This does two things, it gets rid of any stray scribes or scratches in case you needle jumped and it also lets you see your line better because the powdered plastic from the sanding fills the groove. Just use an old stiff toothbrush to brush out the powder.

      4. Just keep on scribing and sanding until you get the depth your happy with. Just make sure you don’t get too impatient and start to really dig in with the needle. you’ll either snap the piece or get a really nasty stray scratch that take forever to sand out.

      I’m not gonna lie, this takes a while to do and if your going to be mirroring the lines of either side of your part, it takes even longer using tracing paper or pla-plates to get one half of the line done and then flipping it and having everything to meet up perfect. Does it suck in time? Yes, but I think the results are worth it. Just make sure it’s a kit you really like and will have no problem dedicating some time to.

    • what tool did you used for the new panel lining?