
  • Braxton posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 8 months ago

    Did some painting today going to finish the rest tomorrow.

    • How do you guys do it??? I’d be so confused with all the different parts, I’d never be able to assemble anything after cutting everything out… Kudos!!!

      • You can check the manual again man if you feel lost or cant assemble it back 🙂

        • Yea but the smaller parts can be very similar btw left and right and once you cut off the runners, there’s no identification numbers. LOL maybe i’m just crap at this. XD

          • Take the risk 🙂 its ok

            • @Phillip I always cut out the whole set and then assemble the model. This way it’s more fun…. It’s not that difficult if you follow the manual accurately.

              • When I’m painting and when the pieces are pretty the same I leave them on the sticks. I put a piece of tape and i write the number of the parts on it.

          • @philliptan, same here man. My brain is drying up trying to think of a way to do this ’til I came up with an idea,. If I’m going to paint I’ll start doing it part by part. For example, finish the arms first or the torso then the other parts. In that way I can easily remember the parts even if I took it all off the runners,. What do you think.?

            • Yes, I also do it part by part… that’s fine. When i see like the entire gunpla in pieces, I just feel so intimidated. lol…

              • If I get around to painting a kit, I’ll make sure to take photos of the WIP and share it with you guys,. Lately I’ve been reading and watching tutorials on gunpla painting so hopefully I can learn some techniques. A lot of ideas were going around in my mind and haven’t decided what to do. A lot planning ahead to start things right. 🙂 @ philliptan

    • Im one of those people that beleave everyone has there own way of doing things. So I try not to knock anyone how they work or how the mow the lawn or even do the dishes. Just as long as it gets done. So on that do what works best for you who knows I might learn from your methoid also 🙂

    • The only parts that are mixed are the yellow ones the rest are in there runner sets in the paper bowls

    • If your air brushing you cant do it one section at a time you have to do all the peices of that color in one shot or you will waste alot of paint and time but when it comes to detailing then one section at a time makes sense.

    • I’ve cut my complete Full Armor Unicorn MG, all 31 runners of it, chucked it in a box, washed it, dried it and than put it together after painting it. If I could do it, anyone can. 🙂