
  • Braxton posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 8 months ago

    I wanted to start painting today buy its 95 degrees out side over 100 hundred with the humidity so no painting on HG THE-O for me untill things cool down. Just wish I had a man cave.

    • The weather is also crazy in Japan, wish I had a shed with AC 🙂

    • Quick question… why do you guys stop painting when humidity is high? What happens when you do that? I ask cos here in Singapore our humidity never falls below 85%… usually it’s 95% and I don’t notice anyone over here saying it’s impossible to paint?

      • i’m the same as you @philliptan. i live in the tropical part of northern Australia and the humidity is in the 90’s most of the year, and i haven’t really had any trouble painting other than it just gets to damn hot to do anything lol. could it be that because the weather for us doesn’t change much, so the paint has “settled” to the climate, but it hasn’t had the chance to do so in other countries where the weather can change more frequently?

    • Here in Iowa it get very cold during the winter and very hot and humid during the summer. It also might be a case of hte lazyies on my part lol