
  • Daniel posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 9 years, 8 months ago

    Care to guess what this is? 🙂

    • looks almost zoid like

      • The complete kit doesn’t look all that much like Gunpla either. It’s one of those stranger designs. But I like it oh-so-much! Could do with a bit more details on those binders though… SMS resin kit of this guy took that another level of the binders details and took them on another level and then +1’d it by another level of another level… Confusing? Not in the least! That’s how awesome that resin kit looks!

    • Is this a Quebeley?

      • it sure is. So far it’s going great! I hope I won’t screw something up by the end to ruin this beautiful older kit.

    • I know. Those monstrous binders on it’s shoulders won’t play fair with the other shelf “populants” taking way too much space but my other kit won’t play fair either, once complete that is. Talking about The-O. These three guys, the third being a Full Armor Unicorn need a shelf of their own. I was actually tempted to get all three Qs but the white, the original, looks best to me so I started there.