
  • moeatt posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    nice job on the sinanju and it doesnt look like its ur first job that shit is pro dude u talented @woodfish

    • I’m actually thinking of redoing that suit. I’m broken between flat and high gloss look. Might just give it a high gloss finish afterall. I’m closing my 50th kit, around 35% of those were MGs with the rest divided 50-50 for HG and some rarer NG and so far nothing comes close to building a Sinanju! I’d recommend that guy any day and to anyone who asks about what they should get next.

      • well i have a sinanju kit parkin its ass at retention and every1 is sayin how cool it is to build it and thats gettin me more pissed off XD coz i cant even get my hands on the damn box

        • Which one did you get?

          • i got the 1/100 MG Sinanju Ver.Ka i know its an old kit and this is the funny part i wanted a sinanju for a long time but this was the only 1 in stock atm i didn’t wanna wait too long to get 1 so i ordered what was available but the irony is i had to wait anyway

            • So then you took the right one. 🙂 Planning on doing all the markings?

              • oh hell yea i wanted this kit for soooo long im goin full on that shit

                • It eats up a lot of time to do all the markings but it’s well worth it. Personally, I’d want all my kits to be a Ver.Ka but alas, some of them come markings-free. All those warning signs etc just add to the overall look of a war machine and Sinanju’s no exception. To me, the only thing that’s better with the OVA version is the fact that you get that bazooka with it, nothing else. 🙂 Screw the bazooka anyway!

                  • i think i have an idea for the bazooka which is takin the bazooka from the fix figuration 0013 deep striker and put it on that sinanju wont look like the OVA 1 but it big enough

                    • You can give it a shot. I’ll eventually buy a Stein which has the same bazooka that Sinanju has. But honestly, once you complete that guy, you’ll see that he doesn’t need a bazooka at all. 😀 Won’t hurt it’s looks if it did had it though.