
  • moeatt posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    i hate where iam in the world right now :@ !!!!! u pay extra for fast shipping to get ur kit as soon as possible it gets here in 2 days then stays at the damn post office for 2 weeks ( and countin ) on retention WTF !!!!!?

    • Same problem here my friend. 😀 And we’re not all that close coutry wise. Im up north in Serbia. Ordered something from HLJ at the beginning of june, it was delivered over a month later. Post office guys kept it for “safe keeping” just in case I wanted to get my stuff two weeks later. How thoughtful of them… I envy people who can tell when they’re going to get stuff delivered and which day exactly, or even which hour of the day… C’est la vie… Nothing you can do but wait. I found the best remedy for that kind of problem. It’s called “Private Warehouse”. While you wait for your stuff, buy something else, just in case you need it later. 😛

      • well what im doin now is i order smthn the a week later i order smthn else in this way while i wait for smthn to get here ill be already workin on smthn else but this time its not workin coz nthn is gettin here XD