
  • Vargen posted an update in the group Group logo of Beginner Modeler - Modeling Competition 2017Beginner Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 5 years, 11 months ago

    Now we are making the custom parts for the kit. By now you can figure out what its going to be.
    I made multiple parts to show the steps.
    For his Halo you take the center circle part that is on nearly every runner. Sand it down until only one of the pegs remains and the rounded side remains. The last peg is going to connect to the petitgguys head. Bandais runners are flat on one side while kotobukia runners are fully round. I will use the gold one because i like the colour.

    His accessory is made out of an l shaped piece of runner. Make sure its the right thickness for the hand peg. File it down and then glue a glassbead on it or make somethink out of modelling clay. You can make that yourself with flour salt and water! I coloured it with the two gundam markers i will use for this build.

    The wing backpack should be self explanatory 🙂

    Have fun!