
  • otaku posted an update in the group Group logo of Advanced Modeler - Modeling Competition 2017Advanced Modeler – Modeling Competition 2017 6 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you to HLJ for the competition. Didn’t know there was one before. HLJ should do a general modeling competition every year to both increase sales and interests in the hobby. If too expensive, then 1 winner per category. Or up to 3.

    My entry is one and only: the transformation of the Hasegawa 1/72 Su-33 Flanker-D `Ace Combat Scarface`, bought at HLJ, to a replica of the actual one in service of Russian Navy with the 3rd-party supplies like Aires cockpit, Begemot decals and DreamModel interior and exterior photoetch, bought elsewhere and eligible for the contest, confirmed by Syd in email. There’ll be no diorama. I’ve yet to decide on the exact squadron and paint scheme.

    In the photos, Aires cockpit was broken upon arrival and the discrepancies (the pilot tube and the back of the cockpit) between the Hasegawa model and the instructions drawings. I believe the supplies were made for the same name & scale Trumpeter kit. That’s where the fun begins. The entry will be the Hasegawa. I’m going to do some remodeling and pick out the best 3rd-party parts for the kit.