
  • Casultieboi posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 6 years, 5 months ago

    HGUC Zaku I getting a custom paint scheme with some Gundam builders parts being used. I like to have a little fan fiction with my custom work so I have a lil story to go with each post of my current work.
    (Lt. Rip Galuga Custom Zaku I)

    Gundam UC: Operation Nova Flare
    Chapter 1

    “Sir, we just received word that Full Frontal has retrieved the Gundam.” Said the voice across the intercom.
    “Alright. Now all we need to do is has everyone on stand by. Once the Lando Bell reinforcements show we are to eliminate as quick and as quiet as possible with our giving up our position. This is why they call us the Grey Ghost Squadren, so you are to live up to that name. Sieg Zeon!”
    Lt. Galuga announced back to his crew.
    I’ve been waiting for the rebirth of Zeon for years. With the emergence of Full Frontal, the sleeves have truly found their spirit again. I am in charge of a quick strike team dubbed the Grey Ghosts. I was a mobile suit outfitter for Zeon during the one year war, fixing suits for space battle, and training pilots for space.
    “Hey Lieutenant, when are you gonna give up that outdated mobile suit and get you a real war machine?” Asked Corporal Ko.
    “You know that this Zaku I has lasted sense the one year war, and it will still out preform any of these mass production suits out here today. ” Lt. answered back.
    “It’s real easy when modified it the way you have Lt.” Ko joked. The radar rang out in alert mobile suits in route.
    ” Lt. Galuga I have 6 mobile suits heading our way. Sergeant Ashberry moving out.” The sergeant announced.
    “Hey Lt. shouldn’t we call the rest of the squadron out here. They out number us 2 to 1.” Ko pleaded.
    “Corporal if you don’t fight I will kill you myself. Grey Ghost engage!” Cried out Lt. Galuga