
  • MS Sinstroke posted an update in the group Group logo of What are you building?What are you building? 7 years, 3 months ago

    Alrighty, I finished my Gouf Custom build, all i have left to do is to put on the markings, but i will wait for another day when it is not 3 in the morning and i am tired as Sh*t. I really liked this Gunpla and hope to do more like it soon, but my next kit is from Build Fights Try, Try Burning Gundam, Sekai Kamiki’s Gunpla before he built his own at the end of the season. Really Psyched up for this new kit because it completes my Team Build Fighters Gunpla. but back to the Gouf. i found this build to be extremely satisfying for the 3 MG i have done, not my fav, but a close second. I just love the size and detail of this kit. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is on the fence about getting it.