We’re back with some familiar faces for a mid-week special to tide you over ’til the next installment of Toy Tengoku. The team at HLJ try out the new Japan Exclusive Peach Edition Coca Cola and give you their views on it.
Items in this episode:
– Coca Cola: Japan Exclusive Peach Edition
– Pepsi Cola: Japan Exclusive Christmas Edition
Good to see Ryan again. It feels like it’s been a while.
8:46 The ‘real’ Toy Tengoku team appears! Not surprise of their choices. I don’t drink soft drinks much, but I never liked the Diet or Zero variants as they taste horrible.
10:54 “…a wild Todd approaches…” Oh Todd…Classic Todd…LOL I hope that Todd feels better soon.
I don’t really drink soda, but the bottles look nice.
Fun…enjoyed the ladies comments and great to see Todd “stairmaster” Brown make a guest appearance.