
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Gunpla TVGunpla TV 9 years, 10 months ago

    hi guys i am looking into a spraygun for my hobbys for models and custom making .i hate how using spraycans can somtimes ruin detail work so any tips on what i should be looking for and my hurt to my wallet.

    • “Mr. Linear Compressor Petit-Com w/Air Brush (PS268 0.4mm) by GSI Creos” currently listed on hlj for $196.36 would be a good buy. it includes a compressor, single action airbrush, and airbrush stand. Single action airbrushes are better for beginners than double action at least that’s what I think. Other than that you may want to get an airbrush booth so you can paint indoors without fuming up your home.

      • oh one more thing I forgot before hitting that post button. Different airbrushes and compressors use different connections to the hoses you want to make sure the airbrush you get and the compressor you get can connect to the same hose properly, or that you can find an adapter to make them fit, but in general I’d say you should be good if the compressor and the airbrush are from the same company.

      • i sended u a pm but how much do air brush stands cost?