
  • johann cleveland posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 8 months ago

    hello i want to make mods to a gundam to make the gundam proto type. like i need to make a shoulder cannon and i think ill need to make parts for it to connect. any tips ,i am used to kitbash and not pure just modding.

    • What prototype are you talking about? The one from Origin or something?
      as for “how”… there’s a lot of different techniques for making things, a lot of the challenge is in figuring out what kind of approach suits the problem, and how to break down a complicated part into simpler sub-assemblies.
      For creating joints, a couple basic tools and materials are helpful. Polycaps of course (spares leftover from Bandai kits are good, but you can also buy aftermarket ones) – a pin vise and metric drill bits for cutting holes, 3mm, 4mm, or 5mm styrene rod to plug into the polycaps (kit runners are usually 3mm), and a filler material to fill in the area surrounding the polycap and peg. (Super glue + talcum powder is pretty good for that…)
      It’s worth picking up the Gundam Scratch Build Manual – that book has all kinds of good info in it, even if you can’t read Japanese.

    • Just so happens I know about this site on the internet where you can buy the book. It’s called… Hobby Link Japan. 🙂
      Gundam Scratch Build Manual
      There’s a second Gundam Scratch Build Manual coming out later this year, but I don’t think it’s up on HLJ yet. The original Scratch Build Manual is like my bible of modeling techniques. When I was starting out with Gundams and wanting to make them better, the magazine articles on which the book was based were my starting point for learning all kinds of ways to build things. So, yeah, really great book.