
  • theyoungturk posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Guys.
    I have recently started building gunpla; so far I have just stuck with panel lining and top coating my HGs. I just ordered a Slave-1 ship because it is just the most coolest ship ever created (sorry Falcon fans).
    My question is about painting the Slave-1. I will need to hand paint it because I do not have a safe place to use spray cans; and airbrushing is out of my price range.
    I would like to know what techniques people use to minimize that streaky look you can get with hand painting. I had a go at painting one of my models with some old Windsor Newton acrylic paints but it ended up looking pretty bad. I read on one online tutorial that applying lots of thin coats can help. However, I was wondering if you knew any other good techniques of getting that nice even finish.
    Thanks guys.

    • Thin down your pants to a watery/milky state and apply the paint carefully with a thin layer. Repeat the process a few times and you will get a smooth surface. Of course it won’t look perfect the first time but with a bit of practice everything is doable. I am practicing thi myself so you have to be a little patient while doing this….
      You can use leveling thinner that can help the paint to dry more evenly too. But I think taht is just bulls**t.

      • Ok thanks Cthulhu. What models are you practicing on this out of interest?

        • Apart from your Kyshatriya of course. I really wanna get that kit. MEGA-SIZA KYSHATRIYA MUST BE CREATED!

          • I think what we really need is a mega size Psycho Gundam 😛

            • Yes!

              • I completely handpainted a M9 Gernsback, HG AGE-1 noramal, the SD Kshatriya and a couple of other SDs (partially). My actual project is HG Dynames in green camo pattern. Will be my first custom paint job, since the previous ones were all original color style.
                So it’s a practicing series. I will paint my HGs first until my skills are good enough to try it out on my precious MGs.

                • Sounds good. I might buy a few SDs and HGs to practice hand painting as well…I don’t want to murder my Slave-1…

                  • Yeah, beeing a slave is enough. But some beginners hand painting won’t look so bad on the Slave-1 because of the weathered look it already has.

          • There is a 1/100 scale of Kshatriya but not from Bandai. 😛

    • Like what Cthuihu said…thinned down the paint to watery. We always say “let it run.” If your enamel panel line color don’t run means your paint still too thick.

      And one reminder, don’t try panel lining if you got a flat coat of your model especially the white. Do it on semi-gloss or gloss, after finish your panel lining, seal it with flat coat. Cheers… 🙂