
  • thebanshee13 posted an update in the group Group logo of Q/A & Help GroupQ/A & Help Group 9 years ago

    ok so ive got a sazabi ver ka and of course being that theres three different shades of red there i wanted to paint it up to have three shades of red. however the problem lies that i dont know wht colors to use my hobby store only sells tamiya testor and modelmasters so could u give me some advice on what color i need to use to paint it up the red appreciate it btw i only use spray cans

    • GN replied 9 years ago – what I did was three different undercoats – white, grey and black and the same red on top of each. That gave me the differentiation I needed. I dunno if that works with your spray cans, but you could experiment and see.

      • ill try that out and see what happens but before wht kinda red should i just use normal red or like madder red or somethin else

        • GN replied 9 years ago

          I don’t use spray cans so I’m unfamiliar with the colours – perhaps someone who uses cans can help you out.

          • alright thanks for the advice but if thats the case what kind of red did u use then

            • GN replied 9 years ago

              First I put down an undercoat of either Alclad gloss black, grey, or white primer. Then the red I used was Createx pearl red. I then finished with a coat of Tamiya clear red on top.

    • if you want the actual colors from the manual I did a bit of digging and found the mixes they tell you to use:

      shine red 90%
      white 5%
      orange 5%
      few drops grey

      red 2
      shine red 95%
      russet 5%
      few drops white
      few drops grey

      red 3
      russet 65%
      shine red 35%
      few drops white
      few drops grey

      on another note finding out about that russet paint wasn’t easy it’s not even listed on the color charts.